Breaking the Bondage of Depression
January 11, 2008 | Leave a Comment
Wow! As I realize how quickly the holidays have passed, I am reminded of how quickly time passes. However, for those dealing with depression, days sometimes seem as if they will never end.
I recently had a patient describe what depression feels like: “I feel like I’m in a deep, dark hole and the walls are very muddy so that every time I’ve tried to dig myself out, I just kept sliding back down. So why even bother to try to get out?” Most people who suffer from depression feel like they are stuck… that no one can help them… and that life will never change.
As we embark on the season of “newness” (new year, new resolutions), let me offer this challenge.
Paul said in Galatians 5:1 to not be entangled again with bondage. Depression is definitely bondage. I promise that coping with depression is possible…I have the awesome opportunity to watch people learn how to do this everyday. If you’re feeling stuck, you don’t have to stay there.
Cherie Nuckols